As a treatment in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), gua sha utilizes an oil like our face oils and body oils and a smooth material (jade plates, metal plates and even spoons) to stimulate a specific area of the body. The smaller rose quarts and jade tools are for the facial area and the larger wooden tools are for the body. Practitioners have found it helpful for alleviating pain as well as increasing circulation and energy flow, as well as the following benefits:
- Promote blood circulation. When you gently scrape the skin on your face with your gua sha tool, you are stimulating your body to increase blood circulation.
- Improve fine lines and wrinkles. Gua sha can temporarily improve the appearance of smaller wrinkles such as around the mouth area and across the forehead.
- Promotes lymphatic drainage. Gua sha can eliminate fluid build-up, which can in turn reduce puffiness.
- Relieves tension from muscles. By applying pressure with a gua sha tool regularly, users can untangle knotted areas and release built-up muscular tension.
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